For many years, I did not take advantage of the sacrament of Confession. I really did not understand it. Every day I was working so very hard to appear like I had it all together and that I could do it all, why would I waste time to convict myself of sinfulness. Not only did I not take time to think about my sins, if I did feel that I did something wrong, I felt that I could justify it and forgive myself for God. I could do it all, including make myself God. "Then God delivered all these commandments: 'I, the Lord, am your God...You shall not have other gods besides me.'" (Exodus 20:1,3) Oops!
Going to Confession is uncomfortable, but not quite as painful as hanging on a cross like Dismas. Returning to the sacrament of Penance after many years, made a huge difference in my transformation. I never really understood the benefit of telling my sins to a priest. I was much better at witnessing to the faults of others than pointing the finger at myself. After all, I was a good person, even better than most. I didn't see the value in it, so, I didn't do it.
This just goes to show you how very much I needed Reconciliation with God. I was in such darkness, I could not see how very much I valued my way of thinking and my pride. The power of this sacrament provides the grace needed to remove the beam from my eye so that I can see my own heart and all the people and things that I did not value. Focusing on the faults of others, especially my husband's, robbed me of the joy of being in the light of Christ. I had to get off my throne and climb on the cross.
The gift of mercy is worth more than mere words can describe. Whenever I hear the words of absolution from the priest, who acts as the person of Christ, I hear the words of Jesus say to his apostles, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven;" (John 20:22b-23), and I fly out of the confessional as if on eagle's wings. Just like in the return of the prodigal son, the Father lavishes His mercy upon me and the Father celebrates. There is no greater gift that the Father can give us than His mercy and there is no greater gift that we can give the Father than asking for it!!
My grandchildren have said on several occasions as they eat a favorite meal, that there is a party going on in their tummy. Well, whenever I receive divine mercy, there is a party in my soul! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer
O, Sacred Heart of Jesus, filled with infinite love,
broken by my ingratitude and pierced by my sins, yet loving me still.
Please accept this consecration that I make to thee
of all that I am and all that I have.
Take every faculty of my body and soul and draw me ever closer to thy sacred side.
And there, as much as I can bear,
teach me thy blessed ways.
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